Endless Energy
Out Of The Blue

We Produce Electricity from Kinetic Swell Energy.
Our solution is the most clean, sustainable, and reliable in the world.

The future of Sustainable Energy

A groundbreaking Wave Energy Converter (WEC) technology that outperforming all existing energy sources in cost-efficiency and environmental impact.


Predictable energy source that can produce on demand power of 200WKh to 5MWh and more.


Operates efficiency in waves heights of 20cm to 8m, with 75-85% efficiency.


Durable materials, built to last over 25 years with minimum maintenance.


Zero emissions, non-disruptive to marine life and animals, minimal skyline (sea-line) impact.

Versatile and Scalable

Effective in oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers can be setup and customize base on requirements.

Multi Functional

Can be integrated with environmental monitoring and emergency services.

The Most Efficient Solution
In The World

Unrivaled Wave-to-Energy Conversion, Pioneering a Sustainable Power Revolution.

Pure Green Power

  • Zero Emissions
  • Eco-Friendly Design
  • Renewable Source

Revolutionary Energy Harvesting

  • High Efficiency
  • Robust Durability
  • Scalable Technology

We are the last generation with a real opportunity to save the world.

Laurence Overmire

Contact Us

For inquiries and support, you may leave us a note.
Your sustainable energy future starts here.